Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tooth Bonding

When it comes to personal appearance and confidence, nothing beats a dazzling, healthy smile. If your smile isn’t perfect because of decayed, chipped, cracked, discolored, or misshapen teeth, all is not lost. Dental bonding can help you change the look of your smile without invasive, expensive, and lengthy dental procedures.

What is tooth bonding?

Dental bonding involves attaching a durable, tooth-colored material to your teeth using a powerful light. The light affixes the bonding to the teeth, eliminating imperfections. As the light works, your dentist will use an expert eye to mold and smooth the material, making your smile appear as natural as possible. Because bonding is available in multiple colors, your dentist will choose a shade that matches your original teeth.

How does it work?

The bonding procedure is relatively fast, requires little preparation, and can be performed without anesthesia. First, the targeted tooth is treated with a roughing agent and conditioning liquid, which will help the bonding stick. Next, the dentist applies the bonding material, uses an ultraviolet light to harden it, and shapes/molds it to align with the rest of the teeth. The entire process averages 30-60 minutes per tooth.

What are the Benefits and Disadvantages?

Dental bonding is much simpler than veneers, crowns, and other dental procedures that can be used to treat the same problems. Bonding also requires less tooth enamel than other procedures and is less expensive. In addition to cosmetic applications, bonding can be used to protect tooth roots exposed by receding gums and as a filling agent. However, bonding is not as durable and long-lasting as more permanent solutions, and it does not resist stains as well as some other materials. Typical bonding lasts from three to 10 years if it is well maintained. Bonded teeth are cleaned the same way you clean all of your teeth.

Dental bonding is a simple, cost-effective way to change your smile. If you think bonding could help your smile shine again, contact our Yorktown dental office today. We can discuss your options and help you make a positive step forward in your dental health and personal appearance.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What Are Inlays and Onlays?

Even moderate tooth damage or decay can have a big effect on your self-confidence, so fixing the problem with an attractive and durable solution is important. If you have a tooth or teeth that are too damaged for a filling but not so badly damaged that they need crowns, inlays and onlays can help.

Made from composite, porcelain or zirconium, inlays and onlays cover the damaged portion of the tooth in such a way that the healthy areas of the tooth remain intact. The difference between inlays and onlays lies in where they are placed. Inlays are used when a tooth is damaged within the top face of the tooth. Onlays are used when damage is covers more than one face of the tooth.

Benefits of Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are designed from sturdy materials which are intended to strengthen, stabilize and protect the remaining tooth. Composite, porcelain and zirconia restorations are designed to match the natural color of your teeth, improving the aesthetics of your smile. Because they are a conservative approach to dentistry, they do not require the removal of any healthy portion of your tooth as done when prepping for a crown.

The Process

Before your tooth is prepped for the cosmetic restoration, the dentist will take an impression of your original tooth to create a mold for your final restoration. The tooth is then prepped by removing the decay and damaged section or sections of the tooth. A temporary is set in place until your final restoration is delivered at a second appointment, about two weeks later. At the Yorktown dental practice of Dr. Michael Schwartz and Dr. Jennifer Goodale, we provide a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere before, during and after your procedure.

Decayed and damaged teeth can result in lower confidence levels, as well as daily discomfort especially when eating and drinking. Inlays and onlays can quickly return your smile and deliver a healthy bite. Drs. Schwartz and Goodale can help you decide which restoration is best for your dental condition. Contact our Yorktown dental office and schedule an appointment today!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Implant Supported Dentures vs Traditional Dentures

Restoring a smile impacted by disease, trauma or simply wear and tear means finding the right balance between appearance and functionality. And making the decision between options can be impacted by several factors, such as cost over time, and durability. 

Traditional dentures have many benefits, and ultimately help patients recover some of the activities affected by tooth loss. However, implant-retained dentures offer significant results in aesthetics, function and health.

Traditional Dentures

Affordable dental appliances that restore basic chewing function. In terms of affordability, traditional dentures are an affordable option. However, they do need to be adjusted occasionally and at times replaced which continues to add to the cost.

While traditional dentures do replace teeth, they do not prevent bone loss. Dentures sit on top of the gum and can shift as the bone loss causes changes in the shape of the mouth. As bone loss occurs, it will contribute to ill-fitting dentures resulting in discomfort. Over time, bone quantity shrinks and the structure deteriorates causing changes in the appearance of the mouth and face. 

Traditional dentures are temporarily fixed to the gums using denture creams and adhesives, rather than permanently fixed. This can cause issues such as dentures slipping or moving out of place or popping out of the mouth, entirely. Progress in dental technology and adhesives have resulted in some improvements being made, so patients are always encouraged to talk about all the options available to them before choosing the denture option they feel is best for them. 

Implant Retained Dentures

Implants are known as “long-term” tooth-replacement options because they are durable and become permanently fused to the jaw bone. Implants are a result of advances in dental technology; they are titanium posts that function as prosthetic roots. That means that although the initial investment may be more than traditional dentures, implants don’t require frequent repairs or replacements and will also protect the integrity of the jaw bone by encouraging bone regeneration similar to the natural tooth root.

Because the posts fuse with existing bone, they offer a stable anchor for new dentures and crowns. The various components – posts, abutments and dentures – are firmly fitted into the mouth in line with the mouth structure. This means implant retained dentures not only stay in place, but they help support the function and appearance of the patient’s bite. 

Implant retained dentures function like natural teeth – patients can eat without restrictions and bite using their natural bite pressure. The jaw bone is stimulated, which encourages damaged bone to regenerate, maintaining healthy bone, and protecting the facial structure from further deterioration.

Although both traditional dentures and implant supported dentures are popular choices for replacing teeth, it’s always best to discuss all treatment options with your dentist. Dr. Michael Schwartz and Dr. Jennifer Goodale can help determine whether or not someone is a good candidate for implants, or if traditional dentures would better suit their lifestyle and dental well-being. Contact our Yorktown Heights dentist to schedule an appointment